Below is a series of photos showing wound healing using allopathic techniques as well as holistic wound treatments, in order to bring the best possible healing and do what is in animals best interest. This is where Allopathic is integrated in Holistic world…
As a neonatal expert I would not choose to put such a young kitten under in order to close wounds. There is surgical glue that could have been used. This vet chose to sedate kitten and close stiches surgically.

This is power of just raw honey which is less potent than manuka honey. This wound healing took 2 weeks, whereas manuka would have shortened healing speed.

Above wound took 22 days to heal with use of Manuka honey strength MGO 400+

Two weeks healing process on a puppy that sustained 3rd degree burns. Looking at the last photo closely, notice there are no scars, skin is healed, renewed and fur is growing back. Remedy used – Manuka honey strength MGO 400+
Abscess very likely caused by a bite wound
Remedy used raw honey for 4 days & medi honey potency 15, for 2 days.

This is Snickers, a stray cat who developed huge wounds on both sides of his neck and nose, secondary to allergy to mosquito bites.

The above wound was treated once by a vet with Manuka honey strength MGO 400+. As much as I wanted, I could not continue treatment with Manuka honey as ants started to infect Snicker’s food, so we did not want to take a chance using Manuka to treat wound as that could have attracted ants to Snickers’ wounds.
Instead, Golden Seal-Myrrh was applied to wounds only 2 times before the photos were taken on a 3rd day of rehab. This remedy has been used on my animals many times and the best part is that it is safe if animals lick it.

As a holistic practitioner, I no longer suggest Medi Honey as a remedy for wounds or burns on animals or humans. It is applied topically and not for internal use, which means animals should not lick it. It comes is small tube, that needs to be used within 7 days of opening. Medi Honey 0.5 oz is about $10.
Manuka honey can be used both topically and internally as a very potent antibiotic for animals and humans. It is my No. 1 choice for antibiotics for both human and animal use and it is safe if ingested since it is edible. This means it is safe if animals lick it of their wound. Manuka comes in jars of 8 oz, with expiration date of about 2 years. Real Manuka honey grade 20+ is about $50 and worth every penny.
Be careful when choosing Manuka honey. There are lots of fake ones and you need to know the difference and how to choose the real Manuka Honey.