Bladder Incontinence

Natural Incontinence Remedies Procedure in Dogs Your veterinarian can offer you advice about your pet’s incontinence. There are some medications available to help tightening the urinary sphincter, surgeries to strengthen weak muscles, and hormone treatments to restore balance, but they are not for everyone. These treatments can be expensive, some have side effects, and they may not always work. In cases when incontinence does not require immediate medical treatment, natural remedies may prove helpful.


There are plant derived estrogens used to treat spay incontinence. They are a holistic remedy usually available with a prescription from your vet. Ground flax seeds is another way to obtain phytoestrogens and can be purchased at your local grocery store.

Corn Silk

Use corn silk both as a supportive treatment and as a remedy. Corn silk contains mucilage which has a thick gel-like texture that coats the sides of the bladder. If your pet has a urinary tract infection, corn silk can help to sooth the irritation. It also functions as a mild diuretic. Corn silk also contains phytoestrogens which can help with spay incontinence. Purchase corn silk as a pill or powder for convenience, or you can use whole corn silks to make your own.

Saw Palmetto

This herb works as anti-inflammatory. Saw palmetto ‘s chief contribution, however, is support for bladder control and muscle tone. It also helps balance hormone levels.

Sang Piao Xiao San

This is a Chinese herbal remedy for urinary problems which holistic veterinarians sometimes prescribe for canine incontinence. It is made from the praying mantis egg case and can be purchased in pill form.

Grain Free Diet

Not an herb or treatment, but many vets and pet owners have found that they can resolve difficult to treat urinary incontinence simply by switching pets to a diet of all meat. Grain-free foods and homemade grain-free diets offer good results for some pets and their owners.


This is a popular natural treatment for difficult to treat urinary incontinence in dogs. It works to stimulate the nerves responsible for urinary control. Many dogs need only three to five treatments to restore normal function. If you are interested in this treatment, a holistic veterinarian can tell you more.

Efficacy of Natural Incontinence Remedies in Dogs

The effectiveness of natural, herbal, or alternative therapies for incontinence will depend on the underlying condition causing incontinence and the treatment method used. Your veterinarian’s guidance can help you choose the most appropriate at-home therapy or supplementation.

Natural Incontinence Remedies

Recovery in Dogs It may take some time to see the effects of herbal supplementation and dietary changes, but most treatment methods above do not require recovery time or special care specifically associated with the therapy.

Someone gave me a feed back on the below products… Her dog had incontinence issue for 14 years as a result of spay and removal of her hormone producing organ ! “Her bladder incontinence seems to be straightening itself out. She did great all weekend with very little or no leaking.”

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