Danger of Vaccines…

This course DANGER OF VACCINES, from my Holistic Doctor program was such eye opener… This book just solidified my view on pet vaccines.

Here are the outlines of every chapter. Hope that reading this will help you decide about vaccines for your pets.

Alternatives are natural harmless vaccines called Nosodes


Vaccinating A Sick Dog: Why It’s Dangerous


It is very common for vets to vaccinate pets routinely ! They have no issue with vaccinating a stressed, malnutritioned, or ill dog ! This violates their Hippocratic Oath: ABOVE ALL DO NO HARM !

If your pet suffers from any type of allergies, skin conditions, malnutrition or any health conditions no matter what it is, the pet is NOT considered healthy and is NOT a candidate to get vaccinated at all !

Get The Facts About The DHPP Vaccine For Dogs

DHPP Side Effects

Your vet will probably tell you the DHPP vaccine is perfectly safe for your dog and that she very rarely sees any adverse reactions. But that’s because conventional vets don’t recognize the long-term chronic diseases that vaccination causes.

In fact, any vaccine can cause a reaction in your dog. It could be something like … 

  • Allergic reaction – like a swollen face
  • Swelling at the vaccine site
  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Hives 
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Difficulty breathing

But what’s more likely to happen is that vaccination can cause long-term issues in your dog. Just one vaccine can cause problems … but over-vaccination makes them much more likely.

Chronic Health Problems
Holistic vets recognize that these problems stem from vaccination. It’s not just the vaccination itself that causes the damage.

Vaccines contain many harmful adjuvants and preservatives. Vaccine ingredients disrupt your dog’s overall health. They can affect his immune system, his skin, digestive system, endocrine system, and joint health. 



Is Your Vaccinated Pet Protected From Disease?

By Dr. Karen Becker


Harmful Dog Vaccine Ingredients

By Dogs Naturally Magazine

