Time To Say Good-By

Having a few senior pets myself I dread this moment… but chose to write this page so I can help and guide you at this difficult time…

If you are one of those pet parents who has the amazing connection with your pet, you will know when the time comes to let your beloved pet go… Deciding to help them cross over the Rainbow Bridge, is possibly the worst feeling any pet parent faces.

Pets stay around longer, because they feel we humans need them… So even if they are struggling in their last days, they still do not want to leave us. Animals may not understand every word we humans utter, but at the same time they can pick up on the vibration of the tone of our voice…


Tell your pet in the most gentle tone, that you love them, tell your pet you do not want them to go, but at the same time, you love them so much that it hurts you to see their suffering… Tell your pet it is OK if they leave you and that you will be reunited someday again in Heaven…

And very likely your pet will pass on its own… leaving you heart broken, but less heartbroken than if you had to make that decision to let them go.

When I was overcome by sadness as my senior Oggie Doggie was fast approaching Rainbow Bridge, I learned from one of the animal communicators, my dear friend Dr. Tricia Working, about Blue Angel. She allowed me to share information about Blue Angel from her book…

For more information on Healing For The Animals, please read this wonderful book FUR AGREEMENTS a book for every pet owner !

Do animals leave the body before dying?

The gifted animal communicator Danielle MacKinnon said that pets are transitioning for some time before they really transition for the last time. They are also around their owners after they transition, so do talk to them as if they are still with you and let them know they are loved and missed.

When humans transition, it is said to leave a window open so their soul can leave and go to Heaven… so same for the pets…

If you are reading this after your pet has gone to Heaven…


After your pet has gone from the physical world, be observant as they do come visit us… I had few incidences of my pets coming to say “Hello” after they went to Rainbow Bridge… One day I was in the kitchen and Angelo was sitting at the kitchen table doing some computer work and munching on some cheese. We did not have any cats at that time. And our other doggies were nowhere near the kitchen. Suddenly Angelo uttered” ouch” ! He went on to say someone just “bit” him and asked if I saw which dog was it… Knowing that our dogs were nowhere near, I said it was Petey coming to visit him and remind him how much she loved cheese…

At another time, we were in the kitchen again and discussing our shopping list, which Angelo always wrote on tiny notepad paper. List was laying flat on the table… there was no fan, no draft, nothing that would have disturbed or moved this tiny piece of paper… when suddenly we both watched that paper fly up and flip over, landing in the same place where it was…

Many times I have watched our dogs stare in the same place in the ceiling for a prolonged period of time without moving their eyes, or I would walk in a room and be overwhelmed by an sudden unknown fragrance… and I would wonder who was visiting, as our dear human family and friends also come back to visit and check on us…

In 2019 when my step mom passed away I knew she would visit me as we were very close. One day shortly after her passing I was in my office as I am most of the time. My cat Lolly lives in the office as I have another cat who wants to literary tear her apart ! Lolly is my “cat healer” that I mentioned on some of my other pages. She hangs with two doggies that she grew up near and she is very happy and content here in the office, as I am with them 16+ hrs a day and many nights I find myself sleeping in my recliner just to be with them ! Other cats often “miow” by the door wanting to get in but are not allowed in the office. That day dogs were outside in the yard and Lolly and I were alone in the office. I was typing and my back was turned to the door when I hear this loud “cry”. My first thought was what cat was crying to get in ?! Annoyed I turned around just to see Lolly was sitting by the door and it was her crying to get out ! This had never happened before! I opened the office door and she took off running for her life and I had to chase her so I can bring her back to the office before the mean cat would start a fight with Lolly ! It was then I realized I had a visitor from Heaven…

To help you through initial stages of grieving get yourself some gem stones…

Here is the article I came across… my first choice in gem stone healing is ROSE QUARTZ

For more information on individual gem stones mentioned above…


Do not grieve for your pet for a long time… Your pet is young again, healthy and pain free… When the time comes you will be together again… until then…

The above beautiful mural was created by Angelo, whose heart and love for animals cannot be described with words… This mural is meant to to let you know… your beloved pet is still walking besides you unseen… but if you stop for a moment and breathe in, you just may feel its presence again…

How do you know when it’s time to say goodbye to your pet? | Animal Humane Society

Navigating the Loss of a Pet with Dr. Karen Becker and Colleen Rolland – Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement (aplb.org)

Pets & the afterlife: coping with the death of a beloved animal

By Jennifer Angel



Both Dogs & Cats can come back in the same manner. They do not have to wait for another puppy or kitten to be born in order to return to Earth. They can take over an existing puppy or kitten.

You can manifest the return of your beloved pet when you are past the grief and ready.

You can write down exactly what you want and how you want it to happen and let it manifest !

An animal communicator Anette Becher explains about animal reincarnation…

… “When an animal chooses to return to a body, it is the soul essence or spirit of the animal returning but not necessarily their previous emotional or physical image. They will almost always show you a personality trait that you will recognize from an animal that you were familiar with, but it is rare that they are ever the exact carbon copy. Expectations can spoil or mar a reunion. Animal reincarnation can occur in two ways:

  1. They can return as a new born knowing you will “find” each other.
  2. They can make arrangements to trade spirit/soil energy with an animal who already occupies a body. Trading spirit/soil is the most common

Read full article here… Annette Betcher, Animal Communicator, Specializing in Horses!

9 Answers to Questions about Animal Reincarnation


How To Deal With the Loss of a Pet

By Viktoria from BestLife4Pets

