IS THE KITTEN STILL ABLE TO POOP? If not there is a risk of the kitten being septic. Keep the prolapse moist but it needs to be done ASAP or the tissue will die !
The sugar helps shrink the tissue and it acts much the way the hemorrhoid creams work. Sugar works really well for mild to moderate prolapse. The typical first step a vet will do with that is to shrink the tissue by soaking in a 50% dextrose solution before lubricating it and trying to reinsert it.
Get some lube (use food grade coconut oil as lube) & hemorrhoid cream
You can buy this on Amazon

VERY CAREFULLY use the coconut oil & hemorrhoid cream (mix a little of each together). Gently push the prolapse back in, then add a little more hemorrhoid cream on the outside of the bum as well. Check it a few times a day to make sure it hasn’t popped back out. Apply hemorrhoid cream once or twice a day to the outer bum for a couple days.
Both constipation and diarrhea can cause anal prolapse. Try adding a little coconut oil to its food (1/2 tsp). This will help with the constipation. You may also give your pet probiotics to keep them regular.
(In collaboration with Shell Stirling)