Starting to write this page takes me back in time, about 10 years ago when I was taking walks with my new puppy Gucci. Our walks never seemed to cease to amaze me as she would always stop at certain plants and remain sniffing them for a long time and nothing I said or did would make her move away and continue our walk until she was done ! I used to say she was my Aromatherapy dog.
However, this is more related to the science of animal self-medication called zoopharmacognosy, derived from the roots zoo (“animal”), pharma (“drug”), and gnosy (“knowing”). In nature animals just know how to heal themselves. There is a wast herbal pharmacy in the nature that will resonate healing and draw animals to its various healing plants. The main page photo shows the tiniest to large animals, in nature, smelling different plants, very likely seeking to heal.

Bach Flower Remedies are similar to herbal aromatherapy, but they have a slightly different application.
I will not be reinventing a wheel on this topic, but will point you to well written information…
The Bach Centre
Home of Dr Edward Bach and the Bach flower remedy system
There are 38 remedies in the Bach remedy system. Since this page is dedicated to animals I will mention remedy that is specifically formulated for animals, as this can be confusing to many who are reading this, so I will try to make it simple as I can.

Bach’s Pet Formula


Flower Essence Services
Pet Formula
Calming & comforting for animals in transition or trauma
Flower Essence Services makes Animal Relief Formula which addresses calming & comforting for animals in transition or trauma

Unlike Dr. Bach’s formula, Animal Relief Formula has 12 ingredients, providing for a broader spectrum of healing.
Animal Relief Formula comes in two forms…
Spray can be sprayed around animals, their bedding, etc., or it can be applied topically as needed
Drops can be added to animals’ food or water bowl
