Homeopathy 30, 200, 6X: Uses, Benefits & Side Effects
Dr. Pranjali Srivastava
Silicea homeopathy medicine is an excellent medicine derived from Silicic Acid. It is commonly known as Quartz.
Through potentisation, the latent and dynamic medicinal powers are awakened, and it transforms into one of the most valuable remedies in homeopathy.
Silica is a slow and deep-acting drug used to treat several chronic cases. It is well-known as the Surgeon’s Knife for its successful use in circumstances that have been advised surgery.
So this article will explain the Silicea uses, benefits, side effects & dosage in detail.
- Silicea homeopathy Uses
Silicea is a deep-acting remedy and a polycrest remedy.
Silicea acts on almost all parts of the body. The main action of this remedy is on the skin, mucus membranes and bones, and cartilages.
Silicea is extremely valuable in all cases where there are severe side-effects to vaccination.
- Eyes
Silicea is helpful in developmental anomalies of the eye.
Improper development of lachrymal duct in babies.
It is a good remedy for Styes, Cataract, Iritis, Iridio-Chorditis, Corneal Ulcer, and all other eye conditions where there is a lot of pus collection.
Silicea helps to burst the abscess and discharge the pus.
It also helps in further healing and restoration of the affected tissue.
Repeated use of the 30C potency is indicated in such conditions.
- Nasal Issues
Blocked stuffy nose, loss sense of smell and taste
Silicea is also well-suited for any ulcerative condition of the nose
- Mouth
Silicea is used for swollen and bleeding gums, foul smell from the mouth due to the pus from the tooth or gum infection
Silicea has a positive action on the teeth and gums; hence, it helps strengthen the gums and teeth when given in 6x or 12x potency.
- Chest & Lungs
Silicea acts well on cases where recovery from pneumonia is slow and delayed.
Silicea is suitable for Asthma
- Stomach
Silicea is the perfect remedy where the nutrition is adequate, but the body’s assimilation is at fault and prevents weight gain.
- Back
Silicea is useful in complaints arising after an old injury to the spine.
- Bones
Silicea has effect on almost all the bones of the body. All bones are well healed with Silicea.
Silicea affects the spine and nerves.
Silicea has played an amazing role in fusion of the bone.
The soft spots are called fontanels, and they make up the sutures between the still-developing bones of the skull. As the animal (or human) grows, the bones continue to grow and ossify, and eventually the soft spots disappear completely.
- Skin
Silicea is the remedy of choice when dealing with unhealthy skin: dry, cracked skin, burns, puss discharge…
Silicea is an excellent anti-suppurative remedy.
It helps stop the pus formation, thereby healing the affected tissue gently and promoting
In cases where a foreign body is lodged inside, Silicea helps expel the foreign body and then promotes healing.
- Silicea Relationship with Other Medicines
Silicea Complementary medicines: Thuja, Sanicula, Pulsatilla, Fluoric Acid
Silicea is Antidoted by Camphor, Coffea Cruda, Hepar Sulph
Silicea Antidotes these Medicines: Merc Sol, Merc Cor, Sulphur.
Follows well: Belladonna, Bryonia, Ignatia, Nitric Acid.
Followed well: Lachesis, Lycopodium, Sepia.
- Silicea Dosage
The dose of the medicine and the necessary repetition depend upon the individual case.
Generally, if the pus hasn’t yet started to form, and the affected part is hard and painful, the lower potency is used.
This helps in hastening the suppurative process and eventual healing.
In conditions where the part affected shows a full-blown abscess which is painful, Silicea is used in higher doses like 200 or 1M.
This helps in the bursting of the bump, the release of the pus, and further healing and new healthy tissue growth.
- Silicea Side effects
Silicea is known to expel foreign bodies.
In skin conditions like a burst abscess, Silicea helps to reabsorb the scar tissue and helps in forming healthy new tissues.
In such situations, careful monitoring is essential as some underlying skin infection may accidentally get reabsorbed into the body.