As a Private Investigator and Animal rescuer & healer, I lead a very busy and stressful life. Since March 2016, since I stepped in the world of animal rescue, my duties, responsibilities and the amount of work I do on all levels has escalated, leaving me with a very little time to myself… I no longer have time for things I used to do to de-stress and one of those was yoga. I must admit I miss it very much but I cannot take almost 3 hrs which would be required to travel to class, participate in yoga session and travel back home.
I recently have set up a corner of my bedroom with yoga mat, bolster & blankets and all other little props needed to do a yoga session at home. But even with that little set up, I find that I am exhausted most of the time and should I start a yoga session, I would probably continue to sleep for hours after Savasana, which is the long relaxing pose at the end of practice. And Heaven knows, there is no time for long naps in my life…
However I often see my own animals striking relaxing Savasana pose, as shown in below photos… Animals surely know how to help themselves relax, heal and they also know how to heal us humans…

So lets talk about benefits of having a dog in our lives…
Petting and cuddling a dog could soothe heart and mind as deep meditation…
15 minutes after petting a dog, blood pressure drops 10%, seratonin rises, cortisol levels are lowered and anxiety is reduced…
Sleeping next to your dog makes you fall asleep faster, it reduces depression and prolongs your life !

Dr. Karen Becker has excellent article Owning a Pet Benefits Your Mental Health
MICROTRAUMA is the general term given to small injuries to the body. It is a painful condition brought about by the overuse or repetitive motion. Microtrauma injuries include small tears in fibers and connective tissue of the muscles as well as sprained ligaments, strained muscles, and overstretched tendons. Average healing time can take from 3–12 months to fully heal on its own.
Cats purr creates vibrations ranging from 20-140Hz. These frequencies are known to be therapeutic for many health conditions as lowering stress, lower blood pressure, reduces risk of heart attack by 40%, helps with infection and swelling, helps reduce difficulty in breathing, heal bones and soft tissue as muscles, tendons, ligaments.

And cats… how do cats affect our life aside from driving us crazy !
In 2018 I had a really bad shoulder injury and knew it was injury that did not require orthopedic doctor intervention but just a long time to heal. My cat Lolly (my first kitten bottle baby ever) has been living in my home office for about a year by the time I was dealing with this injury. After my injury she would climb on my desk and then place one paw, then the other one on my shoulder. She would then put pressure on my shoulder with her body, while wrapping her head around the back of my neck. My neck must have been injured as well, however, with me, neck and back seem to be chronically injured. Lolly would repeat this process several times a day and in less than 3 weeks, my shoulder was back to normal.
Here is the video of Lolly giving me acupressure during her healing session…
In animal rescue world, there are so many pet re-homings happening due to arrival of a new baby and thus lack of time to care for pets. Well parents, pay attention to this…
Sources say that babies in homes with pets develop STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM. Babies who are around dogs are 31% more likely to be healthier in their first year than babies who are not raised around dogs. Babies raised around cats are 6% more likely to be healthy.
12 Science-Based Reasons Why Pets Improve Our Lives By Dr. Karen Becker
The Social & Emotional Benefits Dogs Offer Children
By Dr. Karen Becker